A message from the designer
Thank you for respecting the integrity and frequency and intention of these precious activated products. A lot of prayers, visions, dreams, creation time, energy, effort, activations at temples, sacred power places and energy/ frequency invocations have gone into them. In 2012 when I moved to Bali and created the first jewelry signature pieces, Winged Serpent armband, phoenix pendant and serpent toe and finger rings. Hathor was coming to me asking me to make ear rings and pendants. I did not know how I could, with all respect having never been to Egypt.
Now ten years later these Hathor pieces are coming to creation in clothes, jewelry and also in online courses. After asking a lot of permission, guidance, numerous visits to the temples, and working with the guardians of these sacred power places, they have told me again and again that they want me to bring them through. It is my honor to share these codes in the highest integrity and essence. It has taken years of walking the Earth and these lands to bring through these power pieces. I hope to share also from many sacred wisdom teachers and carriers of the lineages of knowledge.
A message from the designer
About Designer
Thank you for respecting the integrity and frequency and intention of these precious activated products. A lot of prayers, visions, dreams, creation time, energy, effort, activations at temples, sacred power places and energy/ frequency invocations have gone into them. In 2012 when I moved to Bali and created the first jewelry signature pieces, Winged Serpent armband, phoenix pendant and serpent toe and finger rings. Hathor was coming to me asking me to make ear rings and pendants. I did not know how I could, with all respect having never been to Egypt.
Now ten years later these Hathor pieces are coming to creation in clothes, jewelry and also in online courses. After asking a lot of permission, guidance, numerous visits to the temples, and working with the guardians of these sacred power places, they have told me again and again that they want me to bring them through. It is my honor to share these codes in the highest integrity and essence. It has taken years of walking the Earth and these lands to bring through these power pieces. I hope to share also from many sacred wisdom teachers and carriers of the lineages of knowledge.
It is my offering to share these encoded power pieces, as well as teach, coach Starseeds and facilitate pilgrimages, retreats and activations, and artistic prayerformance to awaken also with online courses
Thankyou for being respectful of the artistry, time, energy and encoding to bring these precious peices to life. With respect to all that has come from, and to where they will go. Designs can take years, months, moons, many ceremonies, rituals, prayers, invocations, dreamspace, meditation, visualisation, blessings to come through. The etching colours, patterns, and imprints on these clothes are vibrational.
These sacred symbols have been activated with all the frequencies and healing codes for YOU. I have seen it work again and again. With over 20 years of experience, and lifetimes as an energy healer, teacher, facilitator, devotee, priestess working with so many beings and inter dimensional guidance, and a decade of sharing designs, encoded jewels and clothes.
It is my honor to share these codes in the highest integrity and essence. It has taken years of walking the Earth and these lands to bring through these power pieces. I hope to share also from many sacred wisdom teachers and carriers of the lineages of knowledge. There is always a deepening in understanding.
The neters have been very clear that this is a powerful part of what I am here for, a mix of teaching, energy activations, coaching, prayers for our earth and embodiment. In 2022 the clothing happening so quick from India to Egypt and beyond, also calling forth a rebirth and upgrade of treasures made in Bali. I have taken all the Robes of Light to the feet of the Sphinx to ask for blessings and also protection, for the codes are ready to come to the world. In a high vibration way, to go where they are needed and to assist the change makers that are here to make a difference. The feeling when some-one puts on a robe or piece of jewelry that feels as if it was made just for the. As they activate and receive the codes gives me full body rushes, goosebumps and chills everywhere. I see you, I am creating these for you, with all the teams and support of the multidimensional beings that guide and assist.